Bitch of the week

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Well, i just have planned from yesterday to give bitch of the week award and here is it:

she's dangerous, she can hook up with you in a minute, then ditch you in another minute. She's a man eater make you work on ( nelly furtado song theme). She is Grazia, my school mate. Congrulation for being first bitch on my blog.

Well for next week, another bitch will be told, who is it? One word, is a boy


SDA mengatakan...

wekz? hhaaa

Bagus Galih Hastosa mengatakan...

yah bosen aku, jadi bikin2 aj

SDA mengatakan...

lih, ngapain follow my blog, bahasa inggris ancur!
malu aku

Bagus Galih Hastosa mengatakan...

seng apa, aku juga ancur.wkwkww

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