Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

well this semester open with , well, a pretty much assigment but yeh I ned to keep calm like this pictures

Fortunatelly, I can manage my campus heticness and can eat a lot of sweets which I love and also good looking , LOL. This is some of the food

So what you eat lately, well I hope you all had a delicious food, you know delicious food always makes you happy!


Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

the sun was sun brightly
the water was just as clear as crystal clear

and here I am sitting
on my college chair

Well new semester has started and yup , and also there's gonna be ton of assigment, and that's make my travel time decrease a little by a little. and also I need much money for travelling and also buy new notebook, which is kinnda urgent, in cnclusion I need a job.
This semester I think going to be a boring one , yawn, yawn yawn, I almost fall asleep at first day of semester , How Could I ,

That's all my rants and see you at another post FUCKERS!


Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Breakfast Everyone

btw this is not kinnda breakfast I ussually had, fortunately I got some more money so I can buy myself preety expensive breakfast. If you wondering what is that, it is tortila with bulgogi beef and mango cocomut lassie ( I LOVE LASSIE).

so what's your breakfast everyone?


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