Just a Lust

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

What do you think about my new header, hopr you all like it. All the things in my header are what I want and it can't be true. Well just check my lust list

Nike Jacket , oh my god is so fucking expensive , duh but very good. SO NICE

Even I have had a new design mtorbike, but i still have a big lust with old ride like VW or VESPA. I think vespa is really nice ride in the world beside hurley ( ps : ireally want to have a pic with hurley )

LOMO is such a nice old style yet engaging thing in the world. even there's a lot digital camera in the world, who would be deny this little camera

Hope someday billioner would come to Bali and bought all those thing for me ( daydreaming mode : on )


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