Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

hey ya guys, so I've made new account on tumblr for my works mainly for fashion

so basically all my fashion works will be uploaded on my tumblr site not in this blog anymore

so if you guys have a tumblr please do follow me and share or critsize my fasshion works since I'm kindda new in that field

see ya there


Only Yesterday Blog mengatakan...

Sure, thanks for letting us know.

Visit my blog: www.sarahrizaga.blogspot.com

Anonim mengatakan...

Your blog is amazing. Your photography is amazing.
Will check out your Tumblr.

Novarinna Tan mengatakan...

Love all the photographs <333

Chic Swank

Rosalinda Tjioe mengatakan...

Your works are amazing. Will check out your tumblr!


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