Senin, 22 April 2013

Back in  the December last year I was in Lombok for family gathering and New Year Holiday. My uncle have a nice hotel there, with the fantastic view and the best thing I like I could stay and eat for free

The view on Lombok was fantastic, with the virgin beach and some untouched hills, Lombok is the best place for travelling / adventure photo shoot.

So I beg my cousin to be my model, he is like 190 cm -ish with muscular body (he was a basketball player), he is a perfect model for my Manikan Tribal Rucksack 

The photoshoot itself kindda pain in the ass, I should like wake up at 5 0 clock, brought my camera (which is HEAVY) on my own, and riding bicycle on uphill road, yawn 

But the result was kindda good, and I like it, here it is

so tell me what you think?


Anonim mengatakan...

halo kak Galih, iya Dias anak FK kak. Eh bener kan ya panggil kak? hehe.
Salam kenal juga :)

Bagus Galih Hastosa mengatakan...

wkwkwwk gini2 aku anak 2009 wkwwkwk

okok salam kenal

Aul Howler's Blog mengatakan...


Oh I wanna go there someday

Bagus Galih Hastosa mengatakan...

@aul iya memang keren tempatnya di kuta lombok

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