Senin, 22 April 2013
Back in the December last year I was in Lombok for family gathering and New Year Holiday. My uncle have a nice hotel there, with the fantastic view and the best thing I like I could stay and eat for free
The view on Lombok was fantastic, with the virgin beach and some untouched hills, Lombok is the best place for travelling / adventure photo shoot.
So I beg my cousin to be my model, he is like 190 cm -ish with muscular body (he was a basketball player), he is a perfect model for my Manikan Tribal Rucksack
The photoshoot itself kindda pain in the ass, I should like wake up at 5 0 clock, brought my camera (which is HEAVY) on my own, and riding bicycle on uphill road, yawn
But the result was kindda good, and I like it, here it is
so tell me what you think?
halo kak Galih, iya Dias anak FK kak. Eh bener kan ya panggil kak? hehe.
Salam kenal juga :)
wkwkwwk gini2 aku anak 2009 wkwwkwk
okok salam kenal
Oh I wanna go there someday
@aul iya memang keren tempatnya di kuta lombok
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