I'm a freelance photographer based in bali, this blog is not only for my photoworks but also a story behind it and my toughts
contact : galih_squad@yahoo.com
Officialy breaking my hiatus but but sorry this pics not something good, fugly exactly, but I just learn how to shoot texture (first time for me ), hahaha, not good so fugly. Here's the pics.
asyik lih,,asyik sekali yang no urut 2 hahahah..
terlalu biasa lih.. kayaknya ada teksture lain yg lebih enak dilihat dari kacamata orang awam..
setuju ma jongos, no2 is the best..
makannya fotonya kubilang fugli, wkwkwkwkwk baru pertama kali alnya pet hahaha aku suka yg 2 ma 3 hahaha, nanti aku beljar lagi
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