Cheap food Slut Section
Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Previously cheap food slut (Saras) in the other site, give you review the food place in Melbourne ( Check here if you haven't seen it yet), and now cheap food slut (Hastosa) will take you around pace to eat deliciously yet not broken your wallet.
It almost New Year, Yipppiieee, but hey it's an old date right, like I dont have money so much, I used it a week ago, what would I do? So if you want your new year eve just with your friend , eating sweet cake and tea, well I have exactly right place for you
Kakiang Bakery
Get your foot ( and your tummy) to Ubud, exactly near Lotus Pond Restaurant ( cheapfoodslut will definetly away from this restaurant) and get yourself in small cafe called Kakiang. kakiang in Indonesian mean grandfather, and the cakes here amazingly delicious.
Iin another day , cheapfooodslut thrilled to try their Mango tart, and disappointingly the taste are soso ( I love mango btw) but still the crust on the mango was good but the mangos in the top are totally let down. the mango tart spend your money 18.000 rupiah ( so cheapfood slut not recommended)

In another hand the strawberry cake was pleasant. The strawberry cake here contain so many creams but the taste are not so creamy , so you dont feel queasy . It spend like 18.000 ( but it's little bit small, so if you have a little more money you should try it)

Talk about the place, Kakiang provide like for 16 persons ( yes it's a small), but it doesnt less the comfy.
What to Order : Spare your 10.000 for their special cream puff, containthe crusty puff and their special cream. IT JUST PERFECT
E.M.M.A'S Pies and Cake
Too bad this bake line haven't had their own shop, so if you are in Denpasar or Sukawati you can order this cake or pie with free delivery. So how's the cake
Cheapfoodslut just tried the cheese brownies, and I swear it's a FINEST brownies that I ever ate. The brownies are crunchy and the cheese on are soft , Perfect Composition. But I think the cheese are not cheesy, I mean the taste are too soft I think, but it doesnt bother their deliciousness. it only spare you 95.000 for 16 pieces ( so it's like 5.500 each for 4x4 single brownies), and I think it's not so that expensive, the taste paid the price.

and try my favorite from this bake line , Apple Pie, the crust are JUST PERFECT, so crunchhyyy and the fill ( apple and raisin with cinnamon ) are blended good, it tasted nott top sour and not to sweet to me , and it's good btw ( just FYI I really like sour cake). It's only spare you 110.000 for 24cm in diameter Apple pie ( 24 cm Apple pie, you can slice it into 12, so it's like 9.500 each slice, preety cheap, according to my experience buying 15.000 apple pie which taste like shit)

Tips for you to buying in E.M.M.A's : make sure your location is in Denpasar or Sukawati so dont need pay delivery service. and buy this with your friends so you dont need pay in full ( and I'm not recommend you to eat all this cake by yourself ) so you can share
ps : Open here to look order from E.M.M.A's
That's two of my favorite cheap cake store, so if you are in Bali dont bother to order
ps : mind my band english, I'm still trying to make it perfect