Jumat, 08 Juni 2012
think I broke my promise to not post anything in 2 weeks
Who cares?!
Btw , I just helped my firend, Samantha, to finish her recent college project about Verbal Bullying, which is kindda irony because I was ( hmm I think still now ) a subject of Verbal Bullying.
Nah, the concept of the photo itself is like the bunch of highschooler, having some fun youth day, show of their happy emotion and give some information to people that love to bully that having a nice laugh day is very good.
The photos maybe kindda messy, with so many hair covering the face, many cutted face, but I like it because I think it show the rawness of the photos, show the real emotion, Happy emotion.
uuhh I still got an assigment to finish today, FML
Until the day I finihsh my assigment and finals, let Acchan form Perfume dance for you
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