Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

hiya Friends, it's been a while right from my last post, hehe been so busy last 3 weeks and pretty lazy to update my blog ( sorry sorry), but if you follow my twitter and facebook you'd already known that I just won National Debate Competition WOHHOO, so that's explain all of the hiatus , hehe , but for sure I'm not giving up my passion on photography!

here some photo that I take, maybe you'd already seen it on my facebook or twitter but here they are again :

picture above I shooted for my friends clothing line, and I love the results. The place we took this photo ( Laguna Resort ) was fabulous. hope you like it!!

I took this two picture on Art Centre for my mom traditional fabric factory,it so funny to took this photo, because I had to lie to all the security there that this was for individual property shoot so I can shoot there for free, haha

so what do you think?, will post later


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