Left Over
Gambar lama yang belum pernah dipublikasikan, itung- itung belajar ngedit setelah lama ga pernah foto-foto, check the pics below :

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010
I did many false in growth psychology so it's kinda frustating, AUUUUUUU
My life today it's like
Yes, like this pics, gloomy, blur , noisy, dark, and as ugly as my face
And look I try to eat my slide for tommorow test (eeerr, stupid or hungry)

Efek 3 hari ujian + harus bersih-bersih rumah+masak tiap hari
Quick Update
Senin, 21 Juni 2010
Today is my bloody 19th bday, LOL , and btw it's my first day test too which was hell. GAH I cant believe that General Psychology could be that hard, DAMN Bitch, Shit Shit I cant believe I did many false. But yeah it's still my birthday, so I should cheer, TEE HEE
New Pleasure
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Recently I heard many musics ( well one of another way to released my stress for exam ), and btw you can check it to my lastfm page, what music I've heard, but right now I want to promote some musicians that I curently found and surely I like
Shugo Tokumaru - Parachute
This Japanesse musician is AH-MAZING, so many unique sound you can find on his album, btw from all the song that I heard, I like this one best. It's catchy , fun, and just perfect. Well check him on his myspce here. PS : this guy sings in Japanesse but dont bother cause the melody just good.
Oh you maybe have heard about her ( well Paper Planes, remember) but her new song is sick, the beat is crazy and wow wow I cant handle myself. Check her myspace here
M.Ward - Rave On
The him on She and Him surely have a great voice too ( well in she and him all the lights go to Zooey, but who cant blame it ) . In Rave On you can find his unique voice with the reff that definetly stuck in your head. Check his myspace here
Sleigh Bell - Rill Rill
High School drama + Music Teacher as Vocalist = Rill Rill, well this band totally unique, her voice is good , not just good but well I cant say it just check their myspace here
Shugo Tokumaru - Parachute
This Japanesse musician is AH-MAZING, so many unique sound you can find on his album, btw from all the song that I heard, I like this one best. It's catchy , fun, and just perfect. Well check him on his myspce here. PS : this guy sings in Japanesse but dont bother cause the melody just good.
Oh you maybe have heard about her ( well Paper Planes, remember) but her new song is sick, the beat is crazy and wow wow I cant handle myself. Check her myspace here
M.Ward - Rave On
The him on She and Him surely have a great voice too ( well in she and him all the lights go to Zooey, but who cant blame it ) . In Rave On you can find his unique voice with the reff that definetly stuck in your head. Check his myspace here
Sleigh Bell - Rill Rill
High School drama + Music Teacher as Vocalist = Rill Rill, well this band totally unique, her voice is good , not just good but well I cant say it just check their myspace here
Hastosa on Last Fm
Senin, 14 Juni 2010
Hiya people , sometimes this blog provide music that I like to hear and I try to share it with you guys , but then it get illegals, so I'm afraid to share it with you.
But But then I make my own lastfm.com pages, so you can check the latest song that I heard. Well my music tastes kindda weird, cause I hear all everything. You can find Miley Cyrus then you can find Feist then You can find Jay-z, yeah so random.
If you had lastfm page too, dont bother to add me on here
See you next post guys
But But then I make my own lastfm.com pages, so you can check the latest song that I heard. Well my music tastes kindda weird, cause I hear all everything. You can find Miley Cyrus then you can find Feist then You can find Jay-z, yeah so random.
If you had lastfm page too, dont bother to add me on here
See you next post guys
Minggu, 13 Juni 2010
Seperti air begitulah hidup kita
Selalu ada riak, baik besar ataupun kecil
Selalu ada pasang ataupun surut
Tapi seharusnya kehidupan kita selalu membawa kesegaran
bagi seluruh kehidupan di dunia
ps : please comment if you like or not the pics, what do you think about the color? Is it vintage enough??
Selalu ada riak, baik besar ataupun kecil
Selalu ada pasang ataupun surut
Tapi seharusnya kehidupan kita selalu membawa kesegaran
bagi seluruh kehidupan di dunia
ps : please comment if you like or not the pics, what do you think about the color? Is it vintage enough??
Grebeg Pasar
Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010
Grebeg Pasar adalah kegiatan dari Komunitas Peduli Kanker atau yang disebut KOMPAK untuk menyadarkan masyarakat akan pentingnya pendeteksian dini kanker dan pemeriksaan kanker serviks gratis atau yang sering disebut papsmear ( sorry for foreign visitor now i use my mother languange, Bahasa , because it easier for me to explain this activity, but i will tell you the core of this post, it's an activity called Grebeg Pasar , and it's about give education and free papsmear for comuntiy).
Tempat dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah pasar kreneng dimana mahasiswa dari komunitas ini harus memberikan informasi mengenai kanker ( pada kegiatan ini kanker serviks ) dan mengajak mereka untuk melakukan pemeriksaan gratis. Check the pics below
Little Buddy are getting older NOW
Jumat, 11 Juni 2010
My students on Udayana kindergarden was garduated today. So they performed such s dancing, singing, modeling, etc, and it was cute.
No Tobacco Street Team
Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
So two days ago, my faculty ( medical faculty and I take psychology major, FYI ) held activity called NTST or No Tobacco street team. Well this is the story
So we went to public places, and we would take around to see if anybody was smoking.
If we saw it then we would talk to them, pursued them to change the smoke into
YES, a cup of tea and mint candies for one smoke
But but but it's hard to pursue people to change their smoke.

as you can see they needed a loooott of dayum time to pursue a person
and even our Malasyian student came to join this acitvity
our poster, Yes How Long You Can Live With Smoke?
So we went to public places, and we would take around to see if anybody was smoking.
If we saw it then we would talk to them, pursued them to change the smoke into
But but but it's hard to pursue people to change their smoke.
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